The 2024 statement outlines Tattarang’s dedication to ethical business practices through a comprehensive framework to manage and address modern slavery risks across our operations, supply chains and investments.
The approach focuses on embedding modern slavery considerations in investment decisions, engaging with Tattarang’s wholly owned companies to understand and mitigate risk, and collaborating with stakeholders to enhance transparency and accountability.
Tattarang CEO John Hartman said that Tattarang will continue to play an active role in addressing modern slavery in all its forms.
“We strive to uphold and protect the rights of everyone involved with or impacted by our activities and are committed to implementing an effective modern slavery risk management framework.”
“Our Modern Slavery Statement 2024 reflects our ongoing efforts to address modern slavery, ensuring that our operations, supply chains and investments uphold human rights and ethical treatment for all.”
You can read the Modern Slavery Statement 2024 here.